Enrollment Links



Fees & Payment



Application Form


LLH Enrollment Overview

Fees & Payment

Enrollment with Philippine DepEd Accreditation via GCF-ICS

Forms of Payment


Grade School

High School


(Full Payment upon Enrollment)

₱19,500 ₱21,500 ₱23,500

(Partial Payment upon Enrollment and November)

₱21,060 ₱23,220 ₱25,380

(Partial Payment upon Enrollment, Sept, Nov, Jan)

₱22,750 ₱25,075 ₱27,410


*EXCLUDING graduation fees, new student registration fee, books, delivery fees, and workshops.
**Php 1,000 discount for every additional sibling (to be deducted from the last installment for partial payment scheme).

Late submission/resolution of enrollment requirements and payment made beyond the enrollment deadlines will be charged a LATE ENROLLMENT FEE of Php 500.


Admission Requirements

Update: You may request for our SY 2025-26 LLH Enrollment Kit via the Orientation page to help guide you through the process and keep important details accessible offline.

Incomplete documents and requirements due to wrong uploads or unacceptable quality will not be processed. Please review the important details and instructions listed below.

Read First: Important Notes and Instructions for Requirements

Please note that images should be in JPG/PNG or PDF (for multi-paged docs or as required). All scanned or photographed documents should be SHARP, CLEAR, and READABLE.

Faulty and unreadable files WILL BE ASKED TO BE REPLACED and will cause delay in your enrollment process.

1) IMPORTANT NOTES for the Birth Certificate:
a) It must capture the whole page to show the BReN [Birth REference Number] code
b) The scan must be printable in A4 size and at least 300 dpi resolution.
c) For non-PSA and non-English language birth certificates:
– please submit with official English translation, apostilled
– include scan of Passport bio page

2) Student’s colored photo must have white background, jpg/png format only, and cropped to a square in high resolution (at least 600×600 dpi)

3) For administering the incoming Kindergarten student’s ECCD checklist, the parent may refer to this downloadable guide [PDF LINK]. It has detailed instructions on how to administer the checklist to properly evaluate your child. You may use this PDF guide to keep your own recording. DO NOT UPLOAD THE PDF to the application form. Just encode and tally the results of the assessment (ie, if a skill is observable or not yet) in the Google form provided by LLH. We will be the one to translate the raw score to scaled and standard scores for DepEd. The checklist is administered twice – before enrollment and by the end of the school year. 

4) IMPORTANT NOTES for the Report Cards

a) For Incoming Grade One Enrollees
i.  The Certificate of Enrollment for Kindergarten will be submitted in the absence of previous SY report card.
ii. The Evaluation copy* report card for current school year (SY 2024-25) with LRN, must have 1st Semester or at least 2 Quarters grades.

b) For Incoming Grade 2-9** Enrollees
i.  The Official report card of previous school year (SY 2023-2024) with LRN, must have complete grades and promotion level and signed by authorized signatory.
ii) The Evaluation copy* report card for current school year (SY 2024-2025) with LRN, must have 1st Semester or at least 2 Quarters grades.

*The complete official signed report card (SF9) for SY 24-25 with promotion/eligibility must be submitted by September 30, 2025. In the absence of student promotion/eligibility indicated in the SF9, please submit a Certificate of Completion indicating the grade level completion and promotion of the student to the next grade level.

In the absence of an Official Report Card, a PEPT Certificate of Rating must be submitted.

For students with gap year/s, please include the evaluation copy of the SF10 (Transcript of Records).

5) Signed Waiver for incomplete document/s is required from parents (Grades 1-9 Enrollees only):
– of students with lacking official complete report card/SF9 for the school years indicated above, and/or
– of students with lacking SF10 (to be issued by previous school upon confirmation of enrollment with LLH)

**Please note that we are not accepting new enrollees for Grade 10.


Requirements for Incoming Kindergarten Students

☐ Child should be five (5) years old by October 31, 2025

☐ Homeschool Orientation [LINK]

☐ CM Immersion Classes [LINK]

☐ Immersion Classes Questionnaire [LINK]

☐ PSA Birth Certificate

☐ Recent 2×2 colored photo (student)

☐ ECCD (Early Childhood Care and Development) Checklist [FORM LINK]

☐ LLH-Parent Agreement Form and Letter of Intent [LINK]

☐ Accomplished Online Application Form [LINK]

☐ Application Fee

☐ Settled Enrollment Fees

Requirements for Incoming Grade 1 Students

☐ Homeschool Orientation 2025 [LINK]

☐ CM Immersion Classes [LINK]

☐ Immersion Classes Questionnaire [LINK]

☐ PSA Birth Certificate

☐ Recent 2×2 colored photo (student)

☐ Certificate of Kindergarten Enrollment for SY 2024-2025

Kindergarten Report Card (SF9) for SY 2024-2025 with LRN (if applicable) and eligibility for promotion (if unavailable during application submission, please check notes & instructions on submitting Evaluation copy above).

☐ Certificate of Completion for SY 2024-2025 (in the absence of the eligibility for promotion in the SF9, a Certificate of Completion is required.)

☐ Signed Waiver to complete required documents [LINK]

☐ LLH-Parent Agreement Form and Letter of Intent [LINK]

☐ Accomplished Online Application Form [LINK]

☐ Application Fee

☐ Settled Enrollment Fees

Requirements for Incoming Grade 2-9* Students

*Please note that we are not accepting new enrollees for Grade 10.

☐ Homeschool Orientation 2025 [LINK]

☐ CM Immersion Classes [LINK]

☐ Immersion Classes Questionnaire [LINK]

☐ PSA Birth Certificate

☐ Recent 2×2 colored photo (student)

☐ Report Card (SF9) of SY 2023-2024

☐ Report Card (SF9) of SY 2024-2025 (if unavailable during application submission, please check notes & instructions on submitting Evaluation copy above).

☐ Certificate of Completion for SY 2024-2025 (in the absence of the eligibility for promotion in the SF9s, a Certificate of Completion is required.)

☐ Signed Waiver to complete required documents [LINK]

☐ LLH-Parent Agreement Form and Letter of Intent [LINK]

☐ Accomplished Online Application Form [LINK]

☐ Application Fee

☐ Settled Enrollment Fees

Other Requirements for Transferees from Non-DepEd schools

Official Signed Report Card SY 2023-2024

☐ Official Signed Report Card SY 2024-2025 / or Evaluation copy with at least 1st Semester/2 quarters grades

Report Card with LRN from the last DepEd accredited school enrolled in (if any)

Additional Requirements for Students with Special Needs

☐ Diagnosis Report (for new students)

☐ Recommendation from developmental doctor for mainstreaming/homeschooling with grade level placement for SY2025-2026 .

GCF International Christian School does not have a permit to operate a Special Education program from DepEd. Students with special needs may proceed with their enrollment with LLH under GCF ICS (with DepEd accreditation) given that they submit their most recent recommendation from their developmental doctor recommending the student to be mainstreamed or homeschooled.

NOTE/s for Continuing LLH Families with New Students

Please logon to your LLH Portal account and use the “Enroll New Student” in your Students List/tab. Please do not use the default application form.

Currently enrolled families with NEW student/s enrolling for SY 2025-2026 need NOT attend the required immersion classes if they already have taken it in the previous years. In lieu of the immersion classes certificate/s, you may input your Certificate Code/s or the name of your currently enrolled child, grade level and school year of his/her first LLH enrollment in the “Parent’s Note to LLH” portion of the application form.

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